
Filter Images

iOS 14 +


Apply a choice of filters to the selected images. The filtered images are copied to the clipboard in the Toolbox Pro app before returning to Shortcuts. It's best to add a "wait to return" and a "get contents of clipboard" action after this one.


filterImage(input: <#Variable#>, filterType: <#Filter Type#> , filter: <#Filter#>, sortBy: <#Sort (filterImage)#>, order: <#Order#>, limit: <#Integer#>, sepiaIntensity: <#Double#>, pixellateAmount: <#Double#>, desatRedTint: <#Double#>, desatGreenTint: <#Double#>, desatBlueTint: <#Double#>, blurStrength: <#Double#>, blurType: <#Enumeration (BlurTypes)#>, image: <#Variable#>, resizeImage: <#Boolean#>, resizeLongestSideTo: <#Integer#>)


filterImage(sepia, sepiaIntensity: 0.3, pixellateAmount: 12.0, desatRedTint: 0.0, desatGreenTint: 0.0, desatBlueTint: 0.0, blurStrength: 0.4, blurType: Box, image: [ShortcutInput], resizeImage: true, resizeLongestSideTo: 0)