
Edit Event

iOS 14 +


Edit the details of an event. Use the 'Get Event UUID' tool to grab the uniquer identifier for the event you wish to edit first.


editEvent(eventID: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, editType: <#Enumeration (EditEvent)#>, title: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, startDate: <#Date#>, endDate: <#Date#>, notes: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, location: <#Unknown Parameter#>, url: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, availability: <#Enumeration (EventAvailability)#>, calendar: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, editRecurring: <#Enumeration (EditRecurringEvent)#>)


editEvent(eventID: ""3147adf"", editType: Title, title: ""New title"", startDate: , endDate: , notes: "", location: , url: "", availability: , calendar: "", editRecurring: )