
Edit Reminder

iOS 14 +


Using a unique ID from the 'Create Reminder' or 'Get Reminder UUID' tools, mark a reminder as completed, edit it, open it in the Reminders app, delete it or get its details.


editReminder(editType: <#Enumeration (EditReminderType)#>, title: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, note: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, dueDate: <#Date#>, priority: <#Enumeration (ReminderPriority)#>, list: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, location: <#Unknown Parameter#>, repeatType: <#Enumeration (RepeatType)#>, locationType: <#Enumeration (LocationAlertType)#>, alertDate: <#Date#>, id: <#String (Allows Variables)#>)


editReminder(editType: ChangeTitle, title: "CodeMoreJellycuts!", note: "", dueDate: , priority: , list: "", location: , repeatType: , locationType: , alertDate: , id: "")