
Snapshot Map

iOS 14 +


Take a snapshot of a map location. Latitude is the distance from top to bottom in the picture. Increase it to zoom out further. Width and Height are multiplied by the pixel density of your device.


snapshotMap(location: <#Unknown Parameter#>, mapType: <#Enumeration (MapType)#>, style: <#Enumeration (UserInterfaceStyle)#>, pointsOfInterest: <#Enumeration (MapPointsOfInterest)#>, latitude: <#Unknown Parameter#>, width: <#Double#>, height: <#Double#>)


snapshotMap(location: Placemark(addressDictionary: AddressDictionary(City: "", Country: "", CountryCode: "", FormattedAddressLines: ["", ""], Name: "", State: "", Street: ""), SubAdministrativeArea: "", SubThoroughfare: "", Thoroughfare: "", ZIP: ""), location: Location(altitude: 0, course: 1, horizontalAccuracy: 0.0, latitude: 0, longitude: 0, speed: 1, timestamp: 2022-02-22t22:22:22Z, verticalAccuracy: 1), region: Region(center: Center(latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0), identifier: "", radius: 100.0)), mapType: standard, style: light, pointsOfInterest: includeAll, latitude: 42 miles, width: 20, height: 100)