
Create Wallet Pass

iOS 14 +


Create a Wallet Pass. Colors should be specified in CSS-style rgb(1, 2, 3) format. Add 'Add Wallet Pass' action after this one to add it to your Wallet. This action requires GizmoPack Pro.


createWalletPass(title: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, descript: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, barcode: <#Enumeration (PassBarcodeFormat)#>, barcodeData: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, barcodeLabel: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, type: <#Enumeration (PassType)#>, transitType: <#Enumeration (PassTransitType)#>, from: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, to: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, genericPrimary: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, couponPrimary: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, eventTicketPrimary: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, storeCardPrimary: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, boardingPassFooter: <#Variable#>, couponStrip: <#Variable#>, genericThumbnail: <#Variable#>, storeCardStrip: <#Variable#>, eventTicketStrip: <#Variable#>, eventTicketBackground: <#Variable#>, eventTicketThumbnail: <#Variable#>, header: <#Array#>, secondary: <#Array#>, auxiliary: <#Array#>, back: <#Array#>, backgroundColor: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, foregroundColor: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, labelColor: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, icon: <#Variable#>, logo: <#Variable#>, location: <#Unknown Parameter#>, distance: <#Unknown Parameter#>, date: <#Date#>)


createWalletPass(title: ""Jellycuts Release Party"", descript: ""A wallet pass to get into the Jellycuts release party"", barcode: barcode, barcodeData: ""https://jellycuts.com/releaseParty"", barcodeLabel: ""Release Website"", type: eventTicket, transitType: , from: ""Zachary Lineman"", to: ""You!"", genericPrimary: """", couponPrimary: """", eventTicketPrimary: """", storeCardPrimary: """", boardingPassFooter: , couponStrip: , genericThumbnail: , storeCardStrip: , eventTicketStrip: , eventTicketBackground: , eventTicketThumbnail: , header: , secondary: , auxiliary: , back: , backgroundColor: ""#161f27"", foregroundColor: ""#ffffff"", labelColor: "", icon: , logo: , location: , distance: , date: )