
Query CSV/Dictionaries with SQL

iOS 14 +


Query a CSV file or list of JSON Dictionaries using SQL statement. You can use all the Sqlite functions, and a custom function 'parsedate(string, format)' that uses the same format as 'Parse Date'. This action requires GizmoPack Pro.


queryRecords(fields: <#Array#>, input: <#Variable#>, outputType: <#Enumeration (QueryRecordsOutput)#>, hasWhere: <#Boolean#>, whereClause: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, hasGroupBy: <#Boolean#>, groupByClause: <#Array#>, hasOrderBy: <#Boolean#>, orderByClause: <#Array#>, hasLimit: <#Boolean#>, limitClause: <#Integer#>)


queryRecords(fields: [""], input: ShortcutInput, outputType: automatic, hasWhere: false, whereClause: """", hasGroupBy: false, groupByClause: "", hasOrderBy: false, orderByClause: "", hasLimit: false, limitClause: "")