

Repeats are pretty straight forward. They just repeat whatever code you have in them a certain amount of times. Inside a repeat statement you can access a local variable named repeat index. This variable will give you the current index of the repeat statement. To declare a repeat you use the following syntax.

repeat(<#Integer or Variable#>) {

Below are examples of a fully constructed repeat statement

//Repeat with an integer
repeat(3) {
    wait(Repeat index)
//Repeat with a variable
repeat(seconds) {
    wait(Repeat index)

Repeat Each

repeatEach is equivalent to shortcuts Repeat With Each. This is basically a forEach in other programming languages. This allows you to repeat through every item in a variable array and access each individual item as you loop through. Inside a repeatEach statement you have access to two local variables Repeat Index and Repeat Item. Repeat Index will get the current index of the repeat each statement, and Repeat Item will get the current item of the repeat each statement.

Below is the syntax for a repeat statement

repeatEach(<#Variable#>) {

Below is an example of a fully constructed repeat each statement

repeatEach(assignments) {
    quicklook(Repeat Item)