
Edit URL

iOS 15 +


Lets you edit the components of the input URL. For example, add a query item, change the path, or remove the fragment.


editURL(action: <#Enumeration (EditURLAction)#>, queryItemName: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, queryItemValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, addPathComponentValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, appendToQueryValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, appendToFragmentValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, removeQueryItemsNamedValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, username: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, password: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, setQueryValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, setFragmentValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, setPathValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, setSchemeValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, setHostValue: <#String (Allows Variables)#>, url: <#String (Allows Variables)#>)


editURL(action: addPathComponent, queryItemName: """", queryItemValue: """", addPathComponentValue: """", appendToQueryValue: """", appendToFragmentValue: """", removeQueryItemsNamedValue: """", username: """", password: """", setQueryValue: """", setFragmentValue: """", setPathValue: """", setSchemeValue: """", setHostValue: """", url: ""https://jellycuts.com"")