
Combine Lists

iOS 15 +


Combines two or more lists into one list. Supports up to 10 lists. Even though the description says this action accepts input of type "Files", it accepts any type.


combineLists(list1: <#Variable Array#>, list2: <#Variable Array#>, list3: <#Variable Array#>, list4: <#Variable Array#>, list5: <#Variable#>, list6: <#Variable Array#>, list7: <#Variable Array#>, list8: <#Variable Array#>, list9: <#Variable Array#>, list10: <#Variable Array#>)


combineLists(list1: ShortcutInput, list2: [Clipboard], list3: [CurrentDate], list4: ShortcutInput, list5: ShortcutInput, list6: ShortcutInput, list7: ShortcutInput, list8: ShortcutInput, list9: ShortcutInput, list10: ShortcutInput)